
Lectures en théorie de la couleur

Quelles ressources peuvent être trouvées en ligne et dans les bibliothèques pour aider à comprendre un peu de théorie de la couleur ?

Idées fausses répandues

Cette page regroupe la plupart des erreurs et des idées fausses sur Ansel que l’on peut trouver sur internet.

Troubleshooting color issues

This will apply to upstream Darktable as to Ansel since they share most of their color pipeline. The following procedure will help you troubleshoot your color issues, whether it is inconsistent appearance between export vs. preview, or between screen vs. print, or between 2 apps. Setup your desktop properly The inherent problem of color is it exists only as a perception, and that perception is highly contextual and fluid. If I take any color patch and display it over a white, middle-grey or black background, it will not appear the same even though a colorimeter would confirm it’s the exact same color.

Color lexicon

mindmap root((COLOR)) color appearance model uniform color space chromaticity U, V a, b lightness L delta E chromatic adaptation transform illuminant color reproduction index color temperature surround lighting background lightness dimensions Munsell hue chroma value natural color system blackness saturation hue CIE lightness brightness saturation chroma colorfulness hue measure colorimetry tristimulus sensor Luther-Ives criterion metamerism dynamic range noise mosaicing Bayer XTrans zipper artifacts spaces rgb(RGB) HSV HSL LMS Yrg XYZ Yxy Yuv Ych CYM CYMK primaries cone cells LED ITU BT.

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