mindmap root((COLOR)) color appearance model uniform color space chromaticity U, V a, b lightness L delta E chromatic adaptation transform illuminant color reproduction index color temperature surround lighting background lightness dimensions Munsell hue chroma value natural color system blackness saturation hue CIE lightness brightness saturation chroma colorfulness hue measure colorimetry tristimulus sensor Luther-Ives criterion metamerism dynamic range noise mosaicing Bayer XTrans zipper artifacts spaces rgb(RGB) HSV HSL LMS Yrg XYZ Yxy Yuv Ych CYM CYMK primaries cone cells LED ITU BT.Rec 709 ITU BT.Rec 2020 DCI P3 inks spectrometry light spectrum wavelengths energy photometry luminance correction profile matrix lookup table transfert function color grading ASC CDL channel mixer curves white balance
Aurélien Pierre
Designer and maintainer of Ansel. Developer of darktable scene-referred workflow and physically-realistic modules since 2018. Image retouching educator. "Do things accurately, or don't bother". Website