

The lighttable view allows you to view and manage your image collection. The centre view contains thumbnails of your images – how they are displayed depends on which mode you are working in. While images are selected, there are a number of actions you can perform with keyboard shortcuts: F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 adds or removes a color label (red, yellow, green, blue, purple, respectively). A color label will be added if any selected image does not currently have the label; otherwise the label will be removed


The darkroom view is where you develop your images. The center panel contains the image currently being edited. zoom Middle-click on the center panel cycle between “fit to screen”, 1:1 and 2:1 zoom. Alternatively you can zoom between 1:1 and “fit to screen” by scrolling with your mouse. Scroll while holding the Ctrl key to extend the zoom range to between 2:1 and 1:10.


The Map view is optional and needs to be activated in Preferences > Other views. It allows you to see where your geo-tagged images were taken, and to add location information to non-geo-tagged images. The Map view shows a world map with the images in the current collection pinned to their geo-tagged location (if available). This requires that images are tagged with location information. Some newer cameras, including smartphones, are already equipped with GPS receivers.


The Slideshow view is optional and needs to be activated in Preferences > Other views. It allows you to watch a slideshow of your current collection with the associated filtering rules and sort order applied. To learn more about how to define the collection and filtering rules, see the section on collections. Select the sort criteria and sort order of the images in the Top panel. The next section provides more details on the usage of the Slideshow view.


The Print view is optional and needs to be activated in Preferences > Other views. This view allows you to print your images. Because printing is not easy, there are many technical aspects to be taken into account. After selecting an image in the Lighttable view you can enter the Print settings module to adjust printer settings and initiate printing. This module supports the printer’s ICC profile, which is somewhat mandatory if you want to obtain a high quality print close to the image displayed on the screen.

You can also ask Chantal, the AI search engine.