The filmstrip can be used to quickly switch between images. The images shown are the same as those displayed in the lighttable view and are defined by the currently-selected collection.


The filmstrip can be switched on and off using the shortcut Ctrl+F. The height of the filmstrip panel can be changed by clicking and dragging its top border.

Quickly navigate through the images in the filmstrip by scrolling with the mouse. In the darkroom you can change the photo currently being processed by clicking on another image in the filmstrip.

In the darkroom, the image currently being processed is selected and highlighted. Hover over an image on the filmstrip with your mouse to select it (in order to act on it with a keyboard shortcut) without changing the image being processed.

If you wish to select multiple images in the filmstrip, use Alt+click to select the first image, followed by either Ctrl+click to select or de-select further images, or Shift+click to select a range of images.

The following shortcuts can be used to select images in the filmstrip:

  • Ctrl+A selects all images in the filmstrip

  • Ctrl+Shift+A deselects all images

  • Ctrl+I inverts the current selection

The following shortcuts can be used to perform operations on the selected images

  • F1, F2, F3, F4, F5 adds or removes a color label (red, yellow, green, blue, purple, respectively). A color label will be added if any selected image does not currently have the label; otherwise the label will be removed

  • 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 sets the star rating

  • R rejects the image(s)

  • Ctrl+D duplicates the image(s)

  • Ctrl+C copies the full history stack

  • Ctrl+V pastes all of the copied history stack

  • Ctrl+Shift+C selectively copies the history stack

  • Ctrl+Shift+V selectively pastes from the copied history stack

See the lighttable’s history stack module documentation for more information about the copy and paste functionality.