Command Line Interface


The Ansel binary starts Ansel with its GUI and full functionality. This is the standard way to use Ansel. Ansel can called with the following command line parameters: 1Ansel [-d {all,act_on,cache,camctl,camsupport,control,demosaic, 2 dev,fswatch,imageio,input,ioporder,lighttable,lua, 3 masks,memory,nan,opencl,params,perf,print,pwstorage, 4 signal,sql,tiling,undo,verbose}] 5 [<input file>|<image folder>] 6 [--version] 7 [--disable-opencl] 8 [--library <library file>] 9 [--datadir <data directory>] 10 [--moduledir <module directory>] 11 [--tmpdir <tmp directory>] 12 [--configdir <user config directory>] 13 [--cachedir <user cache directory>] 14 [--localedir <locale directory>] 15 [--luacmd <lua command>] 16 [--noiseprofiles <noiseprofiles json file>] 17 [--d-signal <signal>] 18 [--d-signal-act <all,raise,connect,disconnect,print-trace>] 19 [--conf <key>=<value>] 20 [-t <num openmp threads>] All parameters are optional.


The ansel-cli binary starts the command line interface variant of Ansel which allows images to be exported. This variant does not open any display – it works in pure console mode without launching a GUI. This mode is particularly useful for servers running background jobs. ansel-cli can be called with the following command line parameters: 1ansel-cli [<input file or folder>] 2 [<xmp file>] 3 <output file or folder> 4 [--width <max width>] 5 [--height <max height>] 6 [--hq <0|1|true|false>] 7 [--upscale <0|1|true|false>] 8 [--style <style name>] 9 [--style-overwrite] 10 [--apply-custom-presets <0|1|false|true>] 11 [--out-ext <extension>] 12 [--import <file or dir>] 13 [--icc-type <type>] 14 [--icc-file <file>] 15 [--icc-intent <intent>] 16 [--verbose] 17 [--help [option]] 18 [--core <Ansel options>] The user must supply an input filename and an output filename.


The ansel-generate-cache binary updates Ansel’s thumbnail cache. Invoke this program to generate all missing thumbnails in the background when your computer is idle. ansel-generate-cache can be called with the following command line parameters: 1ansel-generate-cache 2 [-h, --help] 3 [--version] 4 [--min-mip <0-8>] [-m, --max-mip <0-8>] 5 [--min-imgid <N>] [--max-imgid <N>] 6 [--core <Ansel options>] All parameters are optional. If started without parameters ansel-generate-cache uses reasonable defaults. -h, --help Display usage information and terminate.


The Ansel-cltest binary checks if there is a usable OpenCL environment on your system that Ansel can use. It emits some debug output that is equivalent to calling Ansel -d opencl and then terminates. Ansel-cltest is called without command line parameters.


The Ansel-cmstest binary (Linux only) investigates whether the color management subsystem of your computer is correctly configured and displays some useful information about the installed monitor profile(s). Ansel-cmstest is called without command line parameters.

Find and remove entries from the library database referencing images that no longer exist in the filesystem. You must close Ansel before running this script. The script can be called with the following command line parameters: [-c|--configdir <path>] 2 [-l|--library <path>] 3 [-p|--purge] Run the script with no options to perform a “dry run”, which generates a report of the missing files without committing any changes to the database.

You can also ask Chantal, the AI search engine.